Management systems policy

1. Introduction

MERCANZA, S.L.U. (hereinafter, Mercanza) is a Spanish company dedicated to the design and implementation of technological solutions for business management. These solutions are aimed at providing greater Business Intelligence, a substantial improvement in Business Management and an increase in the Productivity of resources with a set of value-added services aimed at providing greater value to the technological resources of organisations.

2. Scope

These Service Management System (hereinafter, SMS) policies are applied in conjunction with those already existing in the Mercanza IMS, being mandatory for all personnel who, on a permanent or temporary basis, provide their services in relation to it.

3. Content

Mercanza adopts an integrated management model based on quality and the environment, according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001 and UNE-EN ISO 14001 standards applicable to the processes of ‘customised development, internet services, technological consultancy, training and support and installation of systems and infrastructures’, which is fully compatible and complementary with other management systems implemented in the organisation, such as the UNE-ISO/IEC 20000-1 and UNE/ISO/IEC 27001 standards and other applicable regulations such as the National Security Scheme.

This is why Mercanza, being aware of the importance of service quality and customer satisfaction, sustainability, the possible environmental impact of its activities/services, information security in the organisation’s assets and systems and legal compliance, has implemented an Integrated Management System.

Taking into account the needs and expectations of the interested parties, the Management is committed to the following:

  • To be aware of and comply with current applicable legislation and regulations, as well as other requirements that may apply in terms of product and service quality, environment and information security.
  • Establish, implement and review the objectives for the performance of the quality of products and services, the environment and information security.
  • Establish processes to implement necessary corrective actions and promote prevention to reduce potential risks in product and service quality, environment and information security.
  • Protect the environment, including pollution prevention and other commitments specific to Mercanza’s scope.
  • To meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders, with emphasis on customer satisfaction and the quality of products, processes and services.
  • To ensure the training and awareness of all staff to improve their performance and behaviour within the organisation.
  • Establish and promote the necessary communication channels to strengthen communication with stakeholders.
  • Promote the continuous improvement of the integrated management system, always implementing possible improvements and taking action on those risks that may affect the system, processes, services, etc.